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Hi, I love your music! Unfortunately I'm not an RPG Maker user. Would it be possible to get the songs in a split format, like song1_intro.ogg and song1_loop.ogg, where the loop plays after the intro. You music is great, but unfortunately they do not loop very well, there's always a slight pause or stutter before they start again.

Hello! Thanks for your comment. Glad you like my music ^^

May I know what engine you're using?   The General Version should loop seamlessly. I tested them in Audacity,    RPG Maker MV, and Unity.

 apart from Victory1, the   pieces      don't have separate intro parts (musically). They were designed to loop    from the very end back to the very start, so it wouldn't make sense to make separate files for them. The only differences between the RPG Maker Version and the General Version is that in the beginning of   the General Version there are some tails from the ending.   You can fix this by  using fade-in for the first time it plays or adding some transition SFXs to cover them.  This is where you can be creative as the developer  ^^ 

Thanks again and   good luck!